Excellent words as always Michael. Your sub-title says it all. Life is not only about us. Those around us give meaning to our lives, take them away and we are alone and lost. We arrive at conscious living very late in life, myself as an example. There would be various plausible reasons for this, but majority of them would be excuses. I was lost for a decade plus through grief, that was my noise. I stayed in that state far too long, I can see that now. However, this hard space did define who I am today. My thinking much clearer, or at the very least I am more aware of life around me. Motivation comes and goes but I try every day to follow through on my daily goals. Keep auditing yourself for sure. Little each day. It’s a building process, one day you will stand back and be amazed of what you have put in place with your process of conscious living. Thanks for the inspiration and thinking process you instigate in me each time you write. Stay blessed always. Ta