Execution Of My Personal Development Plan (PDP) — Week 1
Weekending 07/03/2020

Weekly execution updates are derived from My Personal Growth Strategy March 2021 to March 2022 — You Too Can Get Involved. Link — Here
Summary On Progress Through The Week
As you can tell from the above spread sheet on my week’s progress, I missed out on a few goals this week.
I missed out on doing two coding practice sessions on Friday and Saturday.
My one article a week on my progress which I write and publish on medium is also late.
Also because of feeling unwell physically, missed out on my targeted three times per week running schedule, only managing to run once this week.
On the plus side, I managed to write and upload three blogs onto my WordPress website — TYTA.
And also I am very consistent on consuming educational content to broaden my thoughts or understanding around my areas of interest.
Also during the week I have been consistent on meditation and prayers.
If you are interested in a brief day to day update on how my week went and the content I consumed or produced, feel free to continue reading.
Monday — 01/03
YouTube channel — Teach yourself test automation
No uploads today as spent time on WordPress website content instead.
Medium Profile — owasuik.medium.com
No time today to publish or read any articles on the medium platform.
WordPress Website — teachyourselftestautomation.com
At present, I am teaching myself Serenity BDD with Selenium, Cucumber and JUnit.
Today I wrote and published an article around Page object class in Serenity.
Check it out here if you can and are on a similar path of learning test automation.
Physical Activities
My plan is to do regular exercise, part of this involves running three times a week.
Today was not a run day.
I spent ten minutes after I woke up stretching and ten minutes before I went to bed doing same.
Read or Listen
Listened to the Naval Podcast on YouTube today.
His guest was Kapil Gupta.
A quick search on google told me he is personal advisor to CEO’s, Professional Athletes, Celebrities, and Performing Artists around the world.
Both Kapil Gupta and Nava Ravikant are brilliant minds, I would encourage you to check out the episode here.
Followed their conversation for 30 minutes and left the rest to complete the next day.
The plan was to also introduce meditation into my everyday life.
Today we meditated for 5 minutes before the school run and 10 minutes before bed
We meditate each day as a family and so far so good.
We will increase our meditation times as daily execution of my goals get bedded in.
I prayed before I got out of bed this morning, this is the norm.
I also prayed before and after every meal.
We prayed at night together as a family before heading to bed.
Tuesday — 02/03
YouTube channel — Teach yourself test automation
No uploads today as spent time on WordPress website content instead.
Medium Profile — owasuik.medium.com
No time today to publish or read any articles on the medium platform.
WordPress Website — teachyourselftestautomation.com
Today I wrote and published an article around WebElementFacade Vs WebElement in Serenity.
Check it out here if you can and are on a similar path of learning test automation.
Physical Activities
Today was not a run day.
I spent ten minutes after I woke up stretching and ten minutes before I went to bed doing the same.
I plan to stretch some more when I can.
Read or Listen
Again I listened to the Naval Podcast on YouTube today.
His guest was Kapil Gupta.
Finished off the last 30 minutes of the podcast left from yesterday.
This episode gives you plenty to think about if you are that way inclined, a thinker.
Today again, we meditated for 5 minutes before the school run and 10 minutes before bed.
No chance to increase our meditation times today.
I prayed before I got out of bed this morning, and before and after every meal.
And we prayed at night together as a family before heading to bed.
Wednesday — 03/03
YouTube channel — Teach yourself test automation
No uploads today as spent time on WordPress website content instead.
Medium Profile — owasuik.medium.com
No time today to publish or read any articles on the medium platform.
WordPress Website — teachyourselftestautomation.com
Today I wrote and published an article around Page Object Model in Serenity.
Check it out here if you can and are on a similar path of learning test automation.
Physical Activities
Today was run day.
I went for a half hour run around quarter to midnight.
Finished my run and was in bed by 01:00am to be up for 7am.
Distance covered 5.8 kilometres in 30 minutes.
I stretched after getting out of bed and before getting into bed today for 10 minutes.
Read or Listen
Today I listened to a video on Jordan B Peterson’s YouTube channel.
Another brilliant mind of our times.
He is launching his new book — Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for life.
He talked and read a few snippets from his book and I am inspired to get a copy, I might wait until it’s available on audible.
We are settling into a routine of meditating for 5 minutes before the school run each morning and 10 minutes before bed each day.
No chance to increase our meditation times today.
No change here.
I prayed before I got out of bed this morning, and before and after every meal.
And we prayed at night together as a family before heading to bed.
Thursday — 04/03
YouTube channel — Teach yourself test automation
Today I recorded and uploaded a practice video on Page object model in Serenity to go with the blog I wrote on the same on my WordPress website.
Medium Profile — owasuik.medium.com
No time today to publish or read any articles on the medium platform.
WordPress Website — teachyourselftestautomation.com
No write up today as spent time on my YouTube channel instead.
Physical Activities
Today is not a run day.
Feeling sore from last nights run.
Read or Listen
Today I listened to The Rubin Report on YouTube.
His guest was no other than Jordan B Peterson.
He was on The Rubin Report YouTube channel to promote his new book, An emotional Return & 12 More Rules for life.
We (my wee boys and I) meditated for 5 minutes before the school run and 10 minutes before bed.
No chance to increase our meditation times today either.
No change here.
I prayed before I got out of bed this morning, and before and after every meal.
And we prayed at night together as a family before heading to bed.
Friday — 05/03
YouTube channel — Teach yourself test automation
Today I recorded and uploaded a practice video around Page object model in Serenity to go with the blog I wrote on same on my WordPress website yesterday.
Medium Profile — owasuik.medium.com
No time today to publish or read any articles on the medium platform.
WordPress Website — teachyourselftestautomation.com
No write up today as spent time on my YouTube channel instead.
Physical Activities
Today was meant to be a run day.
This was not accomplished.
I have not felt physically fit since my last run, Wednesday 3rd march.
My muscles feel wasted, and have I have been sneezing all day, probably coming down with a cold.
Read or Listen
Listened to a video on Russell Brand’s YouTube channel ‘Building A Better Society: Have we run out of new ideas? with guest Adam Curtis.
Gave me some food for thought around us needing a society that both encourages and builds on both individualism and collective power at the same time.
A share a view point with Adam Curtis, which is, we want to feel part of something that is going to go on beyond our own lives but does not make you give up yourself to it completely.
Very interesting chat and you can check it out here.
No significant change in our meditation habits this far.
Still spending 5 mins on meditation with our boys in the mornings before the school run and 10 minutes before bed at night.
Usual with prayer today.
No change today.
Saturday — 06/03
YouTube channel — Teach yourself test automation
Today my plan was to record practice video on Serenity BDD with Selenium, cucumber and Junit.
I missed this goal.
I will now aim to do this practice code video on Monday 08th March.
Medium Profile — owasuik.medium.com
No time today to publish or read any articles on the medium platform.
WordPress Website — teachyourselftestautomation.com
No write up today, I did aim to spend time on YouTube channel instead.
Physical Activities
As per update on Friday, still feeling unwell today.
I did not manage to get out for a run today.
Read or Listen
Listened to a motivational video on the Success Secrets YouTube channel.
Video caught my eye because to thumbnail had the caption — This is why you are poor and a picture of Andrew Carnegie.
Why do we stay poor as per the videos message?
People are not motivated to do the difficult things needed to become successful if no one is there to hold them accountable.
Missed out on meditation completely today.
Something to address and fix going forward.
Usual with prayer today.
No change today.
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel — Here