Execution Of My Personal Development Plan (PDP) — Week 11
Weekending 16/05/2021
Wee Side Note: None of the links on this report are affiliate links. Info Only.

Weekly execution updates are derived from My Personal Growth Strategy March 2021 to March 2022 — You Too Can Get Involved. Link — Here
Summary Of My Progress Through Week 11
Exciting start to the week.
Learning Test Automation with Cypress.
I created an empty JavaSript Test Project/Folder on my system.
Within test project I created a Package.json file and Installed Cypress
The Package.json file is a very important component in Javascript based projects.
It holds the project meta data and it is also used to manage project dependencies.
I have my practice videos on my channel and will do a couple of blogs on above too.
I also managed to fit in some reading / listening to a book bought off audible.
More on this down below.
My physical fitness routine is also going to plan.
Up to running 10km again after not being able to manage this since coming back to running after a winter lay off.
I am in a great spot mentally as well, thank God.
However, we have our fair share of worries but all we can do is address them and see the process through.
Which will doubtless involve constant and persistent action.
For those out with our control, do what we can and have Faith in God to handle what we can not.
Teach Yourself Test Automation — YouTube
This week’s videos uploaded on my YouTube channel which is part of my learning topics with Test Automation;
- Cypress Project Setup And Installation On Windows 10
Teach Yourself Test Automation — WordPress Website
This week’s blogs on my learning topics on Test Automation published on my website;
- Cypress Project Setup And Installation On Windows 10
Read or Listen
Audible book I listened to this week is:
- 101 Ways to Be Less Stressed: Simple Self-Care Strategies to Boost Your Mind, Mood, and Mental Health By: Dr. Caroline Leaf And Narrated by: Marge Sudheimer
All the tips in the book are indeed helpful and make sense.
I could think of a few projects I could do based on the tips in this book.
If only I had the time!
The next book I am likely to pick up / listen to is;
- Meditations By: Marcus Aurelius , George Long — translator , Duncan Steen — translator Narrated by: Duncan Steen
Meditation is one of my daily personal growth activities so I look forward to learning and to the growth I will get from this book.
Physical Activity
My main physical activity as you might already know is running.
My fitness is steadily improving with every week that goes by and I am getting more consistent with multiple runs during the week.
A couple of weeks I managed to do three 5km runs within the week.
I have since got back to comfortably doing 10km runs, but not against any time records for now.
The aim for this week was two 10km runs.
I will mark this down against my weekly goal as an amber because my running goal is to be out running three times weekly.
Hopefully, next week I will be able to manage three 10km runs.
Meditation And Prayer
This week I have not been able to download my daily devotion clips from my mother in-law.
My phone’s WiFi is playing up.
This week I have prayed on my own each morning before getting out of bed.
Missed out on early meditation with our boys this week because they have been unwell and late out of bed.
However, we have prayed and meditated as a family before bedtime throughout the week.
I use my daily long walks and run time as my personal meditation sessions as well.
Financial Fitness
Been on MamaFurFur’s YouTube channel this week.
The video that caught my attention this week was;
- How To Achieve Financial Freedom Quickly (from £0 in 5 years — Step By Step Plan)
If you have been following my weekly reports then you would know why this particular video piqued my interest.
You might be in the same position as me at present, check out what she has to say.
Exciting week.
Looking like a steady learning and execution period ahead with my learning Cypress.
I look forward to it and I am well pumped up.
Another exciting goal for me to look forward to is achieving three 10km runs next week.
It has been a busy period in my main job and will continue to be so for the next month and a half.
Run up to go live date for the projects we are working on.
Many Thanks and Stay Blessed.
As always, if you are following along with your own personal growth plan, wishing you awesome progress in week 12.