Execution Of My Personal Development Plan (PDP) — Week 14
Week Ending 05/06/2021
Wee Side Note: None of the links on this report are affiliate links. Info Only.

Weekly execution updates are derived from My Personal Growth Strategy March 2021 to March 2022 — You Too Can Get Involved. Link — Here
Summary Of My Progress Through Week 14
This week has not started that great.
I am still nursing a bad back.
However, on Sunday I managed to head out for a run, taking it slow and steady.
More on this in the physical activities section.
I am still listening to Meditations: By Marcus Aurelius which is a fascinating book.
Should you want to listen to it, keep a dictionary handy.
Also this week has been an extremely busy one in the day job but managed to do some learning on Cypress which I captured on two videos.
Blogs to go with the above two videos on their way.
Teach Yourself Test Automation — YouTube
This week’s videos uploaded on my YouTube channel which is part of my learning topics with Test Automation;
- Write Your First Test In Cypress.
- Cypress Supported Browsers.
Teach Yourself Test Automation — WordPress Website
This week’s blogs on my learning topics on Test Automation published on my website;
- No updated this week.
Read or Listen
I bought a course off Udemy;
Meditations By Marcus Aurelius: Thoughts of a Roman Emperor on Living and Leading in the face of Adversity.
Just about done listening to the book but yet to start the Udemy course.
As I said last week, it is not an easy one to listen to or probably read, I needed to google and use the dictionary for certain words.
I am hoping the course will be more enjoyable and I will get some great insights into his wisdom.
Physical Activity
I am not at my best fitness wise this week.
It was great though to be out running on Sunday.
Physically I felt ok on the run.
I decided to do a 5km run and let myself back in gently.
The aim now will be to see how I can push next week and gauge how much of a set back my back trouble has been.
My goal still stands for this quarter.
By the end of August I hope to be at the fitness level where I am capable of running a half marathon.
More on this next week.
Watch this space.
Meditation And Prayer
We continue our morning routine of listening to a devotion audio recording.
I receive this every morning from my mother in-law who is out in Cameroon.
Our day starts and ends with prayer and meditation as usual.
Our youngest boy has started looking forward to meditation at night because after prayers it is sleep time.
Once we finish praying he says meditation time and is asleep in 10 mins.
For now this is ok.
The aim for the present is to get them into the mindset to embrace the act of meditation and see calm and peace from within.
Financial Fitness
I bought the budget spread sheet from MamaFurFur last week.
It looks a bit daunting but I’m sure I will get used to using it.
As you can tell I have not crunched my numbers into the spreadsheet yet.
No excuses but the day job has been exceedingly busy this past month.
I also read an article which was around optimum streams of income being 2.
I did comment on the article.
You can read my thoughts on the article here.
All round a good week but gutted with the set back on my physical fitness.
Sunday’s run was essential physically as well as mentally.
Once you go through a set back it’s important to be back out doing the said activity as soon as possible.
As the saying goes from the article I read off medium last week; It could be good, It could be Bad.
Lets see what Week 15 brings.
Many Thanks and Stay Blessed.
As always, if you are following along with your own personal growth plan, wishing you awesome progress in Week 15.