Execution Of My Personal Development Plan (PDP) — Week 15
Week Ending 13/06/2021
Wee Side Note: None of the links on this report are affiliate links. Info Only.

Weekly execution updates are derived from My Personal Growth Strategy March 2021 to March 2022 — You Too Can Get Involved. Link — Here
Summary Of My Progress Through Week 15
This week I have been through more setbacks with my physical fitness.
Not sure if I am being far too cautious due to lower back pain which has hunted me for a while now.
I managed, however, to get out for a 5km run on Sunday.
The run went as well as I would have expected.
I am comfortable with 5 km distance.
Next I will try a different approach.
I plan to do two 5km runs during the week and on Saturday or Sunday try to stay out on a longer run, 10km plus.
I have finished listening to Meditations By Marcus Aurelius.
Now on to the Course I bought from Udemy to try to get a deeper understanding of the book.
More Cypress learnings this week and looking forward to continuing.
For the next month or so I plan to do only code practice videos and no blogs on the topics I cover during this period.
I will pick up writing those blogs once I have made good progress with my Cypress code practice videos.
My working day continues to be hectic at the moment but I will keep pushing with my personal growth project / drive.
Teach Yourself Test Automation — YouTube
This week’s videos uploaded on my YouTube channel which is part of my learning topics with Test Automation;
- Cypress Commands Get Type And Click
- Cypress Command Log
- Cypress Selector Playground
Teach Yourself Test Automation — WordPress Website
This week’s blogs on my learning topics on Test Automation published on my website;
- No updates this week.
Read or Listen
Last week I did mention a course I bought on Udemy;
Meditations By Marcus Aurelius: Thoughts of a Roman Emperor on Living and Leading in the face of Adversity.
‘The soul is the driving force behind body and mind’ a belief held by Marcus Aurelius.
And the soul has three functions;
- Reason
- Emotions
- Desire
The above three are key themes in Meditations.
If you would like to follow in the foot steps of Marcus Aurelius you should;
- Study hard.
- Challenge the norm.
- Separate emotion from fact based responses.
- Develop personal detachment.
- Think for yourself and come to your own conclusions.
- Be willing to think along spiritual lines.
I continue to delve into his great mind and find out more on his beliefs around education and thinking.
Physical Activity
I was out for a Sunday run.
One and only run this week.
My strategy needs to change.
I intend to do two short runs (5Km) during the week and a longer run (10Km+) over the weekend.
Running has been beneficial for my lower back pain.
But I need to find the optimum weekly running Schedule which will not have an adverse effect on my back or physical fitness.
This schedule will also need to be in line with my end Goal.
Which is running a full marathon by the end of March 2022.
Meditation And Prayer
Meditation is of many types and forms.
When practising meditation, and a thought pops into my head I observe the thought with no judgement.
I also try not to think and develop this thought.
I let go.
For however long the session I go through this cycle of decluttering my mind of random thoughts.
At the end of which I feel a state of calm and peace.
This is how I try to get our boys to also practise meditation.
Financial Fitness
It is MamaFurFur guiding me this week again with my financial literacy.
The video I watched below is very inspiring, motivating and a great approach to grow you and your wealth;
- THE 4 Pillars of Money that GROW YOUR WEALTH QUICKLY (and the 4 Bank accounts YOU NEED); MamaFurFur
I will give you a taster and name the four pillars here;
- Spending Well: Track your spending.
- Saving Well: Intentionally save with a purpose. Eg. Pay off debt.
- Investing Well: Invest in your mind, body and in a business idea.
- Giving: Be generous.
I learnt a lot from this video and will try to implement most of what she has set out.
I love the fact that this is personal to her and she always aims to help from her own experience with creating a wealthy life for her and her family.
A lot has been done this week in all core areas of body, mind and soul.
I am learning a lot from listening to Meditations by Marcus Aurelius audiobook and from the course of the same name bought off Udemy.
My practice sessions with learning Cypress continue.
So far so good.
Also taking necessary steps to sort out my financial fitness.
It will all come together, one step at a time.
Through hard work and the help of our Lord. Amen!
It will be a long and hard process.
Many Thanks and Stay Blessed.
As always, if you are following along with your own personal growth plan, wishing you awesome progress in week 16.