Execution Of My Personal Development Plan (PDP) — Week 17
Week Ending 27/06/2021
Wee Side Note: None of the links on this report are affiliate links. Info Only.

Weekly execution updates are derived from My Personal Growth Strategy March 2021 to March 2022 — You Too Can Get Involved. Link — Here
Summary Of My Progress Through Week 17
My working day continues to be very busy.
However, I managed to start work and end work early a couple of days this week.
So I had two evenings of kick-about at the local park with our boys.
We do not get to do this as often as I would like us to.
For one the weather here in Scotland is not that great much of the time.
I did some work on learning Cypress but did not capture any practice videos or blogs.
And I was introduced to a new Test Automation tool this week called Playwright.
It is new to me, as I had not heard of it before.
I will definitely check it out at some point.
Teach Yourself Test Automation — YouTube
This week’s videos uploaded on my YouTube channel which is part of my learning topics with Test Automation;
- No videos uploaded this week.
Teach Yourself Test Automation — WordPress Website
This week’s blogs on my learning topics on Test Automation published on my website;
- No blogs uploaded this week.
Read or Listen
I spent some time reading some blogs on a couple of sites this week.
Conscious Transitions; plenty of free content on this site on how to best deal with our emotions.
Personal Excellence; lots of free content on this site on personal growth.
Both sites above are on topics that I actively seek daily knowledge on.
I look forward to being active on both sites and learning as much as I can from their content.
If you followed these reports then you will have read about Naval Ravikant’s on a couple of my updates.
I re-visited some of his writing again which is about happiness.
He says happiness is within our control.
Happiness is a skill which can be identified and developed.
Until you get better at recognising it.
If we live long enough we all become philosophers, trying to find answers to the big problems in life.
How do I become happy? How do I become Wealthy, Healthy? How do I raise the family that I want?
I agree with him because as I get older, through my life experience, I recognise what makes me happy.
I have got some of my own answers to some of those big questions.
Like Naval Ravikant, I have my highly practical personal philosophy to these issues.
Physical Activity
Only a single run this week.
A 5km run.
I Have started working on my core and stretching.
I will give feedback on how I get on in later posts.
Due to the continuous challenges with lower back pain, I spent some time on Reddit reading about others’ experiences with lower back pain.
Just as in my case, it looks like for many, running helps ease their struggle with lower back pain.
As for my struggle, I am still trying to find out the optimum running sessions per week which will give me the most relief.
Meditation And Prayer
I came across Naval Ravikant when looking up resources I could use to learn to meditate.
He uses meditation to clear his mind.
The goal of meditation is to have peace from the mind.
A clear mind leads to freedom from anxiety and leaves one feeling good.
But the problem with meditation, as he says, is that it is not permanent.
Meditation is about self-examination.
And most humans do not engage in any form of self-examination.
Far too busy being distracted by outside life.
We run away from self-examination because we do not like to face our demons head on.
Instead, it’s easier to stay away from looking inward.
Meditation is an exercise in management — Kapil Gupta.
We all get stressed and need an hour or so to separate ourselves from that stress.
Once this time set aside for meditation is over you are back into the stress of everyday living again.
The challenge is bringing that bliss you find in meditation into the real world and use this to deal with life’s issues in real time.
Financial Fitness
Financial education is the starting point in seeking freedom from anxiety.
Next you get yourself fit and healthy.
Then you can work on your happiness.
Wealth, Health and Happiness.
Everyone can be rich with the knowledge to be so and the drive to get ahead.
Listen to this conversation between Nava Ravikant and Joe Rogan.
Priceless information.
It was an interesting week.
I am still not learning as much Cypress as I would like to.
Before July is out I plan to have made greater progress.
My physical challenges are still there and I am working my way through them.
My back feels better.
At a bit of a tricky point just now, although running is helping, I do get localised soreness at the base of my spine.
Hence, why I take long rest periods just now after each run.
My financial health is going to be an ongoing concern but I will get there.
Many Thanks and Stay Blessed.
As always, if you are following along with your own personal growth plan, wishing you awesome progress in week 18.