Execution Of My Personal Development Plan (PDP) — Week 23
Week Ending 08/08/2021
Wee Side Note: None of the links on this report are affiliate links. Info Only.

Weekly execution updates are derived from My Personal Growth Strategy March 2021 to March 2022 — You Too Can Get Involved. Link — Here
Summary Of My Progress Through Week 23
I can hardy believe the sunshine continues in our normally rainy and windy Edinburgh City.
Long may it last.
The weather in Edinburgh has been more like what you would experience in hotter regions of the world.
We are indeed experiencing a lovely summer in Scotland this year.
My week started off being a busy one at work.
Also, I am busy weaving dynamic warmup exercises into my everyday life.
This has been a great help with my running.
I will say a wee bit more about this down below in my physical fitness section.
I have not been able to upload practice videos or blogs while learning Cypress.
I must keep at it regularly to get to the advanced concepts within the first half of my holistic development period.
My consistent learning and developing within all aspects of my everyday life is beginning to show signs of progress.
Not only noticeable improvements in my physical wellbeing but also with wee bits of success unearthing new skill sets that I could exploit in the future.
I am also more open to and gaining more technical knowledge during this process.
It is a very organic sort of development and any wee bit of success is very impactful in the grand scheme of my lifestyle.
Compounded over time, I am sure things will only get much clearer and better.
Aside from the progress so far on my journey.
See below for my plans around my physical fitness for this month.
Teach Yourself Test Automation — YouTube
This week’s videos uploaded on my YouTube channel which is part of my learning topics with Test Automation;
- No videos uploaded this week.
Teach Yourself Test Automation — WordPress Website
This week’s blogs on my learning topics on Test Automation published on my website;
- No blogs written this week.
Read or Listen
I came across a quote from Jim Rohn that I strive to live by.
It is probably not possible in all you do but, related to most things, this is the best piece of advice out there today:
Make sure what you do is the product of your own conclusion — Jim Rohn.
Similar message from Osho:
Only that which you have experienced has to be trusted — Osho.
On my personal development journey I am building my own experiences into every aspect of my life.
And I use these experiences and derived data to drive my decisions with regards to my future growth.
Each of these experiences in the various areas or aspects of my life has the potential to turn out to be a treasured skill.
It is up to me to practise and develop those skills to also bring value to the marketplace.
And in doing so get rewarded in return.
Physical Activity
I now have more stamina and endurance.
All thanks to discovering dynamic stretches.
Dynamic stretches help warmup your muscles, get blood flowing to the legs and improve mobility.
And it is also very important for injury prevention.
I have started to focus more on dynamic workouts which help my running.
The ones I work on just now are;
- Quick walk or a slow run
- Hip Warmup
- Leg Swings
- Walking Lunges
- Butt Kicks
- High Knees
When indoors before a run I do hip warm ups and leg swings and once outdoors do a slow run, walking lunges, butt kicks and high knees.
I am hopeful this will benefit my short term goal by the end of this month.
This goal is to run a half marathon distance by the end of August.
Preparation this week for my wee challenge above for the end of August started great!
I did three 5km runs back to back from Monday to Wednesday.
The plan for next week will be to get a couple of 10km runs in.
Then build on that and hopefully be in the position to crack my initial challenge come month end.
Meditation And Prayer
One of the devotional services this week was on Proverbs 7:10.
‘The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding’
Listen and understand his message.
Keep true to his commandments.
Let the Holy Spirit guide you.
This will gain you deep insights into sound judgement and provide guidance.
Those who hear and receive his word are wise and stay away from evil and do not engage in folly.
Financial Fitness
From what I have come across on the web, the crux seems to be around getting into the habit of saving.
Do not wait.
Following the above advice the sooner I start putting a couple of pounds into savings the quicker I get into the habit of saving.
Time to educate myself for the future on what stocks or shares to invest in.
The perfect website to start with: Here
And I will probably get the book as well: The simple path to wealth by J. Collins.
I will use the simple path to wealth blog to research investment assets to route an amount into as soon as I get paid.
Awesome breakthrough this week on my physical fitness.
I discovered dynamic stretches and all of a sudden my fitness has improved dramatically.
The aim now is to stick to my stretching routine and also try to get in some core muscles workouts.
I pray this puts me in a good position to reach my mini goal of running a half marathon distance come the end of this month.
Running aside, I need to out the habit of saving on top of my priorities.
I will look into the possibility of putting a little bit of cash into stocks or shares.
Many Thanks and Stay Blessed.
As always, if you are following along with your own personal growth plan, wishing you awesome progress in week 24.