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Execution Of My Personal Development Plan (PDP) — Week 26
Week Ending 29/08/2021
Wee Side Note: None of the links on this report are affiliate links. Info Only.
Weekly execution updates are derived from My Personal Growth Strategy March 2021 to March 2022 — You Too Can Get Involved. Link — Here

Summary Of My Progress Through Week 26
Excellent achievement again this week.
On Thursday, I ran 20.39k (0.61k shy of a Half Marathon distance).
I will claim it as completing my personal growth Mid Year physical fitness challenge.
I set the goal above when I wrote down and published my development strategy plan.

In other weekly progress, I did not manage to publish any articles this week on medium.
Learning Cypress and sharing my learnings took more of a back seat this month while I went after my physical fitness goal.
Our daily prayers and meditation still is the glue holding my development journey together.