Execution Of My Personal Development Plan (PDP) — Week 20
Week Ending 18/07/2021
Wee Side Note: None of the links on this report are affiliate links. Info Only.

Weekly execution updates are derived from My Personal Growth Strategy March 2021 to March 2022 — You Too Can Get Involved. Link — Here
Summary Of My Progress Through Week 20
This week started with lovely sunshine and looks like it might continue through the week.
My run days this week were Wednesday and Friday.
Apart from running activities this week I wrote another article on medium.
The title of the article is life is a process.
I now plan to take a writing course to enable me to write and publish.
My aim is to write confidently for an audience and create a knowledge base on important issues that could positively impact others.
For now I concentrate on other aspects of my personal and professional growth.
Like learning Cypress as part of my holistic growth strategy.
This week I did more practice using Cypress to interact with dropdown.
I also noticed there were no instructional videos on how to install an older version of Cypress so I did one.
Teach Yourself Test Automation — YouTube
This week’s videos uploaded on my YouTube channel which is part of my learning topics with Test Automation;
- How to install an older version of Cypress
Teach Yourself Test Automation — WordPress Website
This week’s blogs on my learning topics on Test Automation published on my website;
- No blogs written this week.
Read or Listen
My article on life is a process.
You need to show up, put in the work and trust the process.
Patience is what most people do not have.
We seek shortcuts, Life Hacks.
Shortcuts in life will give you short term rewards.
Ask yourself what is your desired goal in life and execute a set plan effectively and consistently around your goal to achieve it.
Everything in life is a process, we cannot rush through life.
Physical Activity
I was out twice this week on a couple of 5Km runs.
My Wednesday run was a 5km midnight run.
I would probably do an article on why I love midnight runs.
They do fit best into my current daily living.
My Friday run was interesting.
It was also a midnight run and I came in contact with night revellers.
They sat along the local banks of the Water of Leith.
The Water of Leith is Edinburgh’s main river which flows into the port of Leith and then flows into the sea via the Firth of Forth.
The Port of Leith revellers that night were lively and noisy but not sure anyone seemed to notice me running by each lap.
Meditation And Prayer
We continue to pray and meditate as a family.
And we also continue to get devotional audios from my mother-in-law who is out in Cameroon.
The Christian website I visit from time to time also holds some devotionals.
I have not been on this site as much as I would like to.
However, I do seek prayers and devotions from it when I need some guidance.
Financial Fitness
I came across The Simple Path to Wealth this week.
The book reviews say It is suitable for beginners, intermediates and experts.
There is also a blog to go with the book.
I will spend some time on the blog and without doubt I will be buying the book at some point in the future.
Before buying the book I’ll try to start following its advice from the blog.
I will have to get my basics of financial literacy in order — starting with income, expenses and budgeting.
Feedback on this in the weeks ahead.
Another solid week physically, mentally and emotionally.
I enjoy learning Cypress.
There is the need to be consistent as, when my work schedule is hectic, learning Cypress turns to be the sacrificial lamb.
I am happy with my effort of writing another article this week on my medium profile.
Good effort all round this week although it has been a tough one.
August is looking very busy work wise.
Hopefully I can keep on course with all that is going on and won’t feel overwhelmed.
Many Thanks and Stay Blessed.
As always, if you are following along with your own personal growth plan, wishing you awesome progress in week 21.